【送料無料】角松敏生 CD2セット[SUMMER TIME ROMANCE ~FROM KIKI TOSHIKI KADOMATSU ]+ [角松敏生1981~1987]2枚組 全20曲 角松ベストCD

【送料無料】角松敏生 CD2セット[SUMMER TIME ROMANCE ~FROM KIKI TOSHIKI KADOMATSU ]+ [角松敏生1981~1987]2枚組 全20曲 角松ベストCD 收藏

当前价格: 7000 日元(合 359.10 人民币)

一口价: 7000 (合 359.10 人民币)











开始时间:02/18/2025 20:16:55

个 数:1

结束时间:02/25/2025 19:16:55








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【送料無料】角松敏生 CD2セット[SUMMER TIME ROMANCE FROM KIKI TOSHIKI KADOMATSU ]+ [角松敏生19811987]2枚組 全20曲 1993CD発売 角松ベストCD2種
[角松敏生19811987] 2枚組 全20曲 BVCR-19034 1993CD発売
SUMMER TIME ROMANCEFROM KIKI』(サマー・タイム・ロマンス フロム・ケイアイケイアイ)は、1984521日に発売された角松敏生の2作目のコンピレーション・アルバム。アメリカのラジオ・ステーション「KIKI」の再現をコンセプトに、角松の曲をカマサミ・コングのDJで繋く構成となっている。発売当初はカセットテープだけの発売だったが、約3か月後にLP化されたほか、後1994年にはCD化もされた』 Wikipediaより
 本作品の制作は、1993年1月の日本武道館公演を最後に“凍結”した後にまずはファンクラブ向け販売用(後に一般にも販売)にその日本武道館公演のライブビデオの編集を終えてから同年4月より始まる。そしておよそ3か月をかけて完成。それまでのオリジナル・アルバム制作に等しい手間暇を掛けたと伝えられる。表向きには歌手活動休止宣言をしたものの、音楽活動自体は以前と同様に続けられていたことになる。凍結というスタンスは、自らの曲の表現活動(つまり、シンガーソングライター)をこれ以上続けられなくてそれを休止させていたことであって、それ以外のサウンド・プロデュース業の仕事や、本作品発表の後に誕生することになるアガルタなどの音楽活動は継続させる。また、凍結に至る1990年前後の事柄と理由とがあった期間以前に当たる1987年より前に制作した自作曲は、自身にとっては凍結と切り離して捉えていた(だから、本作の収録曲の範囲はその期間のものに限られることになった)。そのため、活動休止を宣言したとはいえ引き続き音楽業界で活動していく角松にとって、「凍結と関係ない部分の角松敏生」をプロデュースすることについては何の障害もなかったことから、本作品は制作されることになった。当初は音楽業界から完全引退して飲食業に転職することも考えていたが、当時の所属事務所・マーマレードの説得で、最終的に歌手活動以外の音楽活動という形で業界に残ることを決断したいきさつが、書籍『角松敏生81-01……Thousand day of yesterdays』 のインタビューで語られている。
本作品はベスト・アルバムという体裁をとりつつも、それとは一線を画すものとなったことには、もちろん理由がある。それは角松敏生が機会を得たことである。デビュー初期に、技術的にも、立場的にも、自分の思う通りのサウンド作りが行えず長年悔やんでいたことをアーティストとしてもプロデューサーとしても成長したデビュー13年目の1993年の段階において、ようやく思う通りに全う出来るようになっていた。そして角松は不満足だった出来映えの過去の曲に対して“1993年型”のカドマツ・サウンドへのリメイクを披露できることになった。角松はこの後もサウンド・プロデュース業や“長万部太郎”なる変名を使ってライブステージに立っていくが、結局は凍結期間中に発表した角松敏生名義の新作アルバムは本作品のみとなった。』  Wikipediaより



[Free shipping] 2 CD sets by Toshio Kadomatsu [SUMMER TIME ROMANCE ~FROM KIKI TOSHIKI KADOMATSU] + [Toshio Kadomatsu 1981-1987] 2 CDs, 20 songs, CD released in 1993, 2 types of Kadomatsu best CDs

[Free shipping] 2 CD sets (3 CDs) by Toshio Kadomatsu for sale. Not rental items. Listed 2-3 times.

① [SUMMER TIME ROMANCE ~FROM KIKI /TOSHIKI KADOMATSU] 12 songs, BVCR-1521, CD released in 1994, with obi
*For detailed song titles, please see image 6.

② [Toshio Kadomatsu 1981-1987] 2 CDs, 20 songs, BVCR-1903-4, CD released in 1993
*For detailed song titles, please see image 7.

① is Toshiki Kadomatsu's second compilation album, "SUMMER TIME ROMANCE~FROM KIKI," released on May 21, 1984. The album is based on the concept of recreating the American radio station "KIKI," and features Kadomatsu's songs interspersed with DJ sets by Kamasami Kong. Initially, it was only available on cassette tape, but about three months later it was released on LP, and later on in 1994 it was released on CD. (From Wikipedia)

② is Toshiki Kadomatsu's first best album, "1981-1987," released on October 21, 1993. This was released right after the start of his hiatus from singing, which he called "freezing," and is a two-disc best album that includes songs released between his debut in 1981 and 1987. Of the 20 songs included, 15 are new versions, including complete retakes, and 9 are on CD for the first time.

The production of this work began in April of the same year, after the final performance at the Nippon Budokan in January 1993, which was "frozen." First, the live video of the Nippon Budokan performance was edited for sale to the fan club (later to be sold to the general public). It took about three months to complete. It is said to have taken the same amount of time and effort as the production of the original albums up to that point. Although he officially announced that he was taking a break from singing, his musical activities continued as before. The stance of freezing his activities was that he could no longer continue his activities expressing his own songs (i.e., being a singer-songwriter), so he took a break from them, but he continued his other musical activities, such as his work as a sound producer and Agartha, which was born after the release of this work. In addition, he considered his own compositions produced before 1987, which was before the events and reasons around 1990 that led to the freeze, to be separate from the freeze (which is why the range of songs included in this work is limited to those from that period). Therefore, for Kadomatsu, who had announced his hiatus but continued to be active in the music industry, there was no obstacle to producing "the part of Toshiki Kadomatsu that is not related to the freeze," and so this work was produced. At first, he was considering completely retiring from the music industry and switching to the food and beverage industry, but after being persuaded by his agency at the time, Marmalade, he finally decided to remain in the industry as a musician other than a singer. This is explained in an interview in the book "Toshiki Kadomatsu 81-01...Thousand day of yesterdays".

Of course, there is a reason why this work, while taking the form of a best album, is different from that. It is because Toshiki Kadomatsu had the opportunity. In the early days of his debut, he had regretted for many years that he was not able to create the sound he wanted, both technically and in his position, but by 1993, 13 years after his debut, he had finally been able to achieve what he wanted. Kadomatsu was then able to perform a remake of his previous songs that he was not satisfied with, with a "1993" Kadomatsu sound. Kadomatsu continued to work as a sound producer and perform live on stage under the pseudonym "Oshamanbe Taro," but in the end, this was the only new album under the name Kadomatsu Toshiki that he released during the freeze period. From Wikipedia

It was carefully stored, and although the surface is clean, the white part of the plastic case (②) has turned yellow (see image ①) due to the long storage period. Please refrain from purchasing if you are sensitive to such things. No claims or returns please. We will strive to ship promptly.
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