【送料無料】60年代英国マージ―ビート,ザ・サーチャーズCD3枚[the pye anthology 1963-1967]2枚組+[German,French + Rare Recordings]希少

【送料無料】60年代英国マージ―ビート,ザ・サーチャーズCD3枚[the pye anthology 1963-1967]2枚組+[German,French + Rare Recordings]希少 收藏

当前价格: 3000 日元(合 153.90 人民币)

一口价: 3000 (合 153.90 人民币)











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结束时间:02/25/2025 19:06:28








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【送料無料】希少盤 60年代英国マージ―ビート・グループ,ザ・サーチャーズCD3[the pye anthology 1963-1967]2枚組+[German,French + Rare Recordings]
[THE SEARCHERS / the pye anthology 1963-1967] 2枚組 全60NEECD381 2000CD発売 英国盤
[THE SEARCHERS / German,French And Rare Recordings] 24RR4102-WZ  1990CD発売  独国盤
メンバー;Vo/G/マイク・ペンダー,  Vo/G/ジョン・マクナリー,  Dr/クリス・カーティス, B/トニー・ジャクソン→ (1964年フランク・アレンへ交代)
2枚組コレクション[パイ・アンソロジー 1963-1967]は、60年代初頭に英国で人気のリバプール・サウンド・グループ1として当時録音された全曲を収録。ビートルズ出現の数年前1957年に結成されたサーチャーズは、60年代初頭にリバプールでビートルズと凌ぎ合う競争相手でした。1963年半ばにパイ・レコードでレコーディングをスタートした当時、急成長するマージービート・サウンドのファンを魅了して、エネルギー演奏ハーモニーを広げました。彼らの最初のヒット曲「Sweets for My Sweet」は甘い曲、ナンバーワンを獲得し、ビートルズやデイブ・クラーク・ファイブのような「ビッグビート」アクトと競争する力をを示します。また、彼らはアメリカのR&Bカバー(Farmer John」、「Love Potion No. 9)を録音し、彼らの最大のヒット曲である「Sugar and Spice」と「Needles and Pins」は、British Invasion波に乗り海を渡ります1966年までにはメンバー・チェンジが行われましたがマージービートの終焉までチャートの常連となったサーチャーズは、その年の「Have You Ever Love Somebody(ホリーズのカヴァー)ラスト・ランクインとなります2CDは、彼らのヒット曲以外にも素晴らしい曲が数多く収録されており、中でもWhen You Walk in the Room」は、ジャッキー・デシャノンのオリジナル・ヴァージョンよりも間違いなく優れていますCD解説ジョンブッシュ和訳より
このアルバムは1990年にレパートリー・レコード()からリリースされたCD。ウィルフリード・ジンゾウによって編纂され、上記の曲に加えて、サーチャーズの最後のイギリス・シングル「I Don't Want To Be The One/Hollywood」、クリス・カーティスのソロ・シングル「Aggravation/Have I Done Something Wrong(ジミー・ペイジやジョン・ポール・ジョーンズのセッション・ワークを含む)やヒット曲の「メドレー」で1981年の「Goodbye My Love」のB面としてスペインでのみリリースされた。wikipedia 和訳



[Free Shipping] Rare 60s British Merseybeat group, The Searchers, 3 CDs [the pye anthology 1963-1967] 2-CD set + [German, French + Rare Recordings]

[Free shipping] We are offering a total of 3 German CDs including a 2-CD set of all recordings left by the British Merseybeat giants, The Searchers, on British PYE Records, and releases in languages other than their own and rare recordings from the 80s reunion. Not rental copies.

① [THE SEARCHERS / the pye anthology 1963-1967] 2-CD set, 60 songs in total, NEECD381, released in 2000, British edition
             *Please see image 5 for detailed song titles.

② [THE SEARCHERS / German,French And Rare Recordings] 24 songs total RR4102-WZ 1990 CD release German edition

             *Please see image 6 for detailed song titles.

Members: Vo/G/Mike Pender, Vo/G/John McNally, Dr/Chris Curtis, B/Tony Jackson → (Replaced by Frank Allen in 1964)

① is
The 2-CD collection [Pie Anthology 1963-1967] contains all the songs recorded at the time as one of the popular Liverpool sound groups in the UK in the early 1960s. The Searchers, formed in 1957, a few years before the Beatles appeared, were rivals to the Beatles in Liverpool in the early 1960s. When they began recording for Pye in mid-1963, they captivated fans of the burgeoning Merseybeat sound, spreading their energy, playing and harmonies. Their first hit, "Sweets for My Sweet," was a sweet song that reached number one, proving their ability to compete with "big beat" acts like The Beatles and The Dave Clark Five. They also recorded some American R&B covers ("Farmer John," "Love Potion No. 9"), and their biggest hits, "Sugar and Spice" and "Needles and Pins," rode the British Invasion waves across the ocean. By 1966, the Searchers had undergone some lineup changes, but they remained chart regulars until the demise of Merseybeat, with their last chart appearance being that year's "Have You Ever Love Somebody" (a cover of The Hollies). The two CDs contain many other great songs in addition to their hits, including "When You Walk in the Room," which is arguably better than Jackie DeShannon's original version. 』CD commentary by John Bush

② is:
This album was released in 1990 by Repertory Records (Germany). It was compiled by Wilfried Zinzo and, in addition to the songs mentioned above, includes The Searchers' last UK single "I Don't Want To Be The One"/"Hollywood," Chris Curtis' solo single "Aggravation"/"Have I Done Something Wrong" (including session work by Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones), and a "medley" of hits, released only in Spain as the B-side of 1981's "Goodbye My Love." wikipedia translation

Tracks 1 and 2 are the A/B sides of their last single, released in the UK in 1982. Tracks 3-12 are non-English versions released in Germany and France. Tracks 13-15 are solo singles by drummer Chris Curtis. Track 16 is a medley of popular hits from the time. Tracks 17-23 seem to be singles released after the songs in ① after 1968.

The Searchers are a four-piece band from Liverpool, England. They are one of the bands that colored the British Invasion period of the 1960s along with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. They are also famous for being the second most successful band from Liverpool after the Beatles, with hit singles and albums. These three CDs will almost complete the official recordings they left behind.

I am listing these items to clear out my inventory, but I am sorry to say that I will not sell them separately. Please purchase the set of three. Although they have been carefully stored, the surface of the record is clean, but there is discoloration on the outer box (image 10) and the inside photo of ①. The storage period was long, so please refrain from purchasing if you are nervous. No claims or returns will be accepted. We will strive to ship promptly.

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