英語医学「Tidy's Physiotherapy (Physiotherapy Essentials)14th Edition/タイディ理学療法第14版」 Stuart Porter (著) Churchill Livingstone 2008年発行 目次他12頁+652頁 1.44㎏ 24.6×19×2.9㎝ *DVD1枚(未開封)付き
【内容紹介】The essential book to refer to, whether you're just starting out or about to go on placement or need to look up something for an assessment, the 14th edition of Tidy's Physiotherapy is up-to-date and ready to meet the needs of today's physiotherapy student. Chapters are written by specialists who have come from a wide range of clinical and academic backgrounds. Each chapter encourages you to problem solve and provides case studies to give the opportunity to consolidate learning and to give you confidence when you need to apply what you have learned. For the first time, a DVD ROM is included which contains sections on musculoskeletal tests, massage and exercise, and graphics which can be used for revision, presentations and even teaching.
・High quality annotated art illustrations
・Case studies which provide further insights into the physiotherapists clinical reasoning
・Web links
・DVD containing videoclips and downloadable photographs
・Additional chapters on Care of the Ventilated Patient; Caridac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Management of Tissue Healing and Repair, Massage, Electrotherapy, Pain and Changing Relationships for Promoting Health
・Part of the Physiotherapy Essentials series - core textbooks for both students and lecture
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