【送料無料】美品 加藤和彦・坂崎幸之助2CD[ゴールデン・ヒッツ/和幸]+[ひっぴいえんど/和幸]きたやまおさむ,不思議な日,フォークル

【送料無料】美品 加藤和彦・坂崎幸之助2CD[ゴールデン・ヒッツ/和幸]+[ひっぴいえんど/和幸]きたやまおさむ,不思議な日,フォークル 收藏

当前价格: 5000 日元(合 256.50 人民币)

一口价: 5000 (合 256.50 人民币)











开始时间:02/18/2025 20:16:29

个 数:1

结束时间:02/25/2025 19:16:29








卖家账号:prine38 收藏卖家



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【送料無料】故・加藤和彦氏とTHE ALFEEの坂崎幸之助氏がコンビを組んだデュオ<和幸>の2枚のCD[ゴールデン・ヒッツ]と[ひっぴいえんど]を出品致します。レンタル落ちではありません。2回程の試聴で美品です。
①[ゴールデン・ヒッツ / 和幸] 全13曲  COCP-34499 2007年CD発売  <デジパック仕様・帯付>
②[ひっぴいえんど / 和幸] 全14曲  COCP-35382 2009年CD発売  <帯付>
サディスティック・ミカ・バンドなどで知られる加藤和彦と、THE ALFEEの坂崎幸之助が結成した新ユニット、和幸(かずこう)の1stアルバムです。ファッション的にも一番インな1960~70年代を見直し、この年代の様々な音楽を新しい解釈で展開!オリジナルに加え、往年の名曲のカヴァーも収録されています。
                                                          TOWER RECORDS 解説
[Free Shipping] Kazuhiko Kato/Konosuke Sakazaki 2CD [Golden Hits/Kazuyuki] + [Happy End/Kazuyuki] Osamu Kitayama, Mysterious Day
[Free shipping] We are selling two CDs [Golden Hits] and [Happy End] by the duo <Kazuyuki>, which is a combination of the late Mr. Kazuhiko Kato and Mr. Konosuke Sakazaki of THE ALFEE. It's not a rental issue. It is in good condition after being listened to twice.
① [Golden Hits/Kazuyuki] 13 songs in total COCP-34499 CD released in 2007 <Digipack specification/with obi>
*Please see image 6 for detailed song list.
② [Hippi End/Kazuyuki] 14 songs COCP-35382 2009 CD release <with obi>
*Please see image 7 for detailed song list.
① is
``Kazuhiko Kato, who has been making headlines for various activities such as Sadistic Mika Band and music director of the movie ``Pacchigi!'', is joining forces with Konosuke Sakazaki from Alfie to form a new unit called ``Kazuyuki''! A new interpretation of various music from the 60's and 70's. New music is born by revisiting this era, which is the most in-fashion era. That is “Kazuyuki”.
*This is “Kazuko”. It's not "wako".
This is the first album by Kazuko, a new unit formed by Kazuhiko Kato, known for his band Sadistic Mika Band, and Konosuke Sakazaki from THE ALFEE. Revisiting the 1960s and 1970s, which are the most trendy period in terms of fashion, we offer new interpretations of various music from this era!In addition to originals, it also includes covers of famous songs from yesteryear. ”
② is
``This is the second duo of Kazuhiko Kato, whose recently formed VITAMIN-Q has become a hot topic, and Konosuke Sakazaki from Alfie. The previous album had strong gags, but this one is packed with unique songs that reveal the duo's generational sensibilities and exploration of the music of the 1960s and 1970s. All of the newly written song titles, including the title song, are playbacks of Happy End. For example, in the case of ⑤, which is a play on ``Spring Come,'' the vocal style is also reminiscent of Eiichi Otaki, and it develops into a Neil Young-style guitar battle competition, and the way it incorporates such material and the twist. It's too dense. If it's played at a rock bar, it's sure to get excited with stories. In this sense, it can be said that this work is most suitable for listeners to the readership of this magazine. Personally, I was initially impressed by the intensity of the gags, but the covers, such as Kamayatsu Hiroshi's #10, which was full of harmony, were also amazing, and the more I listened to it, the more I got hooked. ”
From Record Collector's April 2009 issue liner notes by Ayumu Shida
The 1st and 12th songs in ① are written by Osamu Kitayama and have an irresistible college folk vibe by the old duo of Kato and Kitayama. Listening to the Latin percussion arrangement of the 14th song in ②, ``Mysterious Day,'' it makes you think that this song was originally a samba-type song. ① shows Mr. Kato's originality, and ② is a gag joke.
We will be listing the items as part of inventory clearance, but unfortunately we will not be selling them separately. Please purchase a set of 2. I have kept it in a safe place, and although the surface of the board is in good condition, it has been in storage for a long time, so please refrain from purchasing if you are a nervous person. No claims and no returns, please. We will do our best to ship quickly.
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